Deserto tattile
new production 2024 - première3 September 2024 / Festival Oriente Occidente

concept, choreography and costumes: Nicola Galli
dance: Nicola Galli, Giulio Petrucci
light design: Lucia Ferrero, Nicola Galli
dramaturg: Giulia Melandri
props: Giulio Mazzacurati
promotion: Margherita Dotta
production: TIR Danza, Nebula
co-production: Oriente Occidente
artistic residences: TROIS C-L, Oriente Occidente, PimOff Milano, Orbita | Teatro Quarticciolo
with the support of: Network Grand Luxe, Orbita | Spellbound Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza, PimOff Milano
length: 55 minutes

selected work NID Platform 2023 - open studios

Deserto tattile is a reflection on solitude and the desert understood as boundless space and existential condition; it's an investigation into the memory of the body, the haptic experience and the deep relationship between the gaze, gesture and tactility as elements for getting in touch with the world and to perceive the intangible.
On the threshold of a misty veil an abyss of body and world places are revealed and hidden through a play of contractions and expansions that dissolves the definitions of limit and distance. Gesture, light and sound are condensed to create sensory mirages in which to lose oneself and meet solitary travelling figures engaged in probing, listening, watching, pushing, shaking, letting themselves be caressed and touched.
Deserto tattile is a journey contended between distance and proximity, clarity and opacity, union and exclusion, capable of suspending the rhythm of everyday life to the point of annulling our perception of space-time.

Nicola Galli

Nicola Galli

Nicola Galli

Nicola Galli