year: 2023
interactive performance / workshop for families (5 - 10 years)

action and creation: Nicola Galli
game assistant: Giulia Melandri
production: Nebula APS
length: 80 minutes (45 minutes workshop, 30 minutes performance)

After 12 years, Nicola Galli proposes a new version of his performance O | proiezione dell'architettura ossea.
Renewed in its title and intent, POP is an event dedicated to childhood and families that focuses on the body as the primary tool for exploring expressive and communicative potential.
POP is structured in a workshop that proposes a time dedicated to the discovery and exploration in a playful way of movement proposals that stimulate new ways of relating in which all bodies share the pleasure of movement with the aim of discovering perceptions, sensations and emotions through movement.
At the end of the workshop, choreographer Nicola Galli proposes an interactive performance that explores different motor possibilities of the body. On a square platform covered with bubble wrap, the dancer moves by bending and extending the joints of the body to draw figures and geometries, inviting the audience to interact with the material and the space of the performance.

Nicola Galli

Nicola Galli

Nicola Galli